
The Interview

This one requires a little imagination.

Paint a picture in your mind of a job interview. Sitting on opposite sides of an uncomfortably large desk, the interviewer asks the interviewee some questions.

“So, Mr. ... “

“It’s Scott, sir. St... Stephen Scott.”

“Thanks. Stephen, it says here you are from Colorado Springs?”

“That’s right. That’s... that’s right. For... for... for... almost forty years, now.”

“It also says, here, that you were a minimalist.”

“Ye... ye... yes, sir. I tend... I tend... to repeat myself a lot. But... but... but... I create sweet... m... melodies.”

“And what is your specialty, Mr. Scott?”

“I’m good at creating the effect of d... dappled light on waves.”

-long silence-

"Can you also create the effect of paddling canoes?"

[Edit: the remainder of the text and the links have been lost. Sorry]


Sator Arepo said...

Dappled light is outstanding.

Also, the picture of the 10 people playing the piano was pretty damn cool.