
The Perfect Allegory

You need to go over to The Rambler. That's all I'm going to say. Enjoy!


anzu said...

Dear Empiricus and mysterious other person, (The “we” was a bit unclear, though I’m assuming you mean you and your coblogger. Of course, it could mean you and your group of friends, you and your spouse, etc. etc.)

I hope you don’t mind my answering your question on your post, but for various reasons, I’d rather do it over here than on my own turf. :)

First, thanks for the kind words.

Funny that you ask that, b/c I’ve wondered the same thing about you and your coblogger. Not specifically your names, since I don’t actually know you, so what would two random names do (other than the fact that I guess I can now Google you), but stuff like are you guys related or just good friends (sometimes you bicker like you’re related), what your major is (I did read somewhere that you’re both grad students, right? I believe one of you actually lives roughly in my proximity), etc. If I had to guess, based on your location and the schools in that vicinity, I’d say you were doing some sort of tech/science grad school and you’re in your early 20s (though perhaps Empiricus might be a little older? Or maybe it was Opera? One of you lectures the other person more, so exudes a sort of “older brother”ish aura, whether or not that may be the case).

But you were asking about me. It’s not that I need to be anonymous per se, but given how small this world is (and given the fact that the SF Bay Area blogging world is even smaller—I mean go to Iron Tongue or Joshua Kosman or Standing Room or any of these other blogs and check out the side bar—a significant portion of the blogroll is from the Bay Area. Not that any of these people know me, but we go to the same concerts, etc. Plus I’ve had to send some of them press releases for our concerts, etc., so I’d rather just keep these things separate.), it’s easier to write frankly this way. Not that I would ever write anything I wouldn’t stand behind, but I’m sure you understand where I’m coming from.

In addition, I work for an organization/company whose views I don’t nec. agree with, and I’ve had to kvetch about people or things related to my work. Now, when I do this, I usually speak in enough code that any of my coworkers who ever landed upon this would probably not know that I was talking about a particular person or a particular thing, but again, it allows me to be openly critical of certain things and certain people, including former people I’ve surreptitiously dated (e.g. venn diagram), or even friends I’m POed about, or landlords who talk my ear off and drive me nuts.

I still try to be careful about what I write/say, so I hope I’m not abusing the anonymity, but I guess the short of it is that for various reasons, I prefer to sort of do this (as you guys do) somewhat anonymously. Of course one is never 100 percent anonymous, as you know. Does that make sense?

anzu said...

Btw, I forgot to ask why two people who also shroud themselves in anonymity would wonder about other people's identities. :-P I have to admit that I do occasionally get curious about people's identities, but 80-90 percent of the blogs I read are written by anonymous people or people who use pseudonyms. Though I wonder if this might be a generational thing--older bloggers tend to not be anonymous (though of course, I have no idea how old people are, aside from making conjectures based on writing style. . .)

Empiricus said...

Wow, that's a comment and a half! Cool, though. Thanks.

RE: I forgot to ask why two people who also shroud themselves in anonymity would wonder about other people's identities.

No particular reason. Like I said, we enjoy your web-based log, and we're merely curious. Doesn't hurt to ask, as they say. About the anonymity on our part, see the DRFAQs; we've taken some flak before about this, being that our stuff can be irritating and inflammatory at times, which is why we tried to answer that question there.


RE: are you guys related or just good friends (sometimes you bicker like you’re related), what your major is (I did read somewhere that you’re both grad students, right? I believe one of you actually lives roughly in my proximity), etc. If I had to guess, based on your location and the schools in that vicinity, I’d say you were doing some sort of tech/science grad school and you’re in your early 20s (though perhaps Empiricus might be a little older? Or maybe it was Opera? One of you lectures the other person more, so exudes a sort of “older brother”ish aura, whether or not that may be the case).

Close, but...no, not really even close. Without giving too much away, I'll just leave you with this little nugget: Opera is older than I, which might explain the whole "younger sibling requiring attention therefore tattles," thing. My bad.

anzu said...

Heh. I've also wondered which of you is the more potty-mouthed of the two (though I suppose after my posting earlier, I can't really point fingers. . ..), which I suppose I can find out by doing a search under "fuck" and looking at the postings.

And yes, I've looked at your FAQ. You guys can be contentious, though the only one who seems to regularly respond to your critiques seems to be Mr. Kosman (who you guys seem to be tougher on, b/c I've rarely read an unfairly written review by him) and he seems to not mind your critiques. At least in the public comments section, I haven't read anything incendiary by someone whose prose you are criticizing.